The website WWW.LANDOFPROJECTS.COM has recently launched a new project called FREESHARE. Based on circular economy ideas, Freeshare is a free marketplace to reuse things.
Things are made to be used, repaired when necessary and recycled when they can’t work anymore.
You own things you don’t use and other people need them.
Offer them at FreeShare for free, because the added value of things you don’t use is = 0
Why should I exchange my stuff with no profit?
Everybody is benefited by exchanging free things at FreeShare:
- The donors, as they can take free things from other donors (you can’t receive things if you don’t offer something al FS)
- The receivers, as they save the price of the object they receive.
- THE PLANET as things shared avoid the receiver to buy new things that should be produced with the consequent energy consumption and pollution.
Not only material things can be offered at FreeShare. Free videos, photos, ideas, projects… everything you want to share that can be enjoyed by other people can be uploaded at FreeShare: a place that defends Free Speech and Free Thinking